Algeria | Angola | Benin | Botswana | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Comoros | Congo-Brazzaville | Congo-Kinshasa | Cote d'Ivoire | Djibouti | Egypt | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Gabon | Gambia (Senegal ) | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Kenya | Lesotho (South Africa ) | Liberia | Libya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mali | Mauritania | Mauritius | Morocco | Mozambique | Namibia | Niger | Nigeria | Rwanda | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Somalia | South Africa | South Sudan | Sudan | Swaziland | Tanzania | Togo | Tunisia | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe


Main Objective: To convene prominent African political and business leaders, representatives from civil society, multilateral and regional institutions as well as Africa’s major international partners to debate issues of critical importance that benefits Africa and to auto-suggest proposals from each and every African folk that will target ambitions of African logical and physical development in both fields of Art, and Scientific leadership. The governance of UNION OF STRATEGIC AFRICAis intended to pursue the governances of the countries with in the continent to annex the possible policies and patterns of administration and management. Through; Specific Objectives. UNION OF STRATEGIC AFRICAshall be mandated to appeal to the governance of each member country of Africa about the newly developed programs and liaise on positive insights for the continent through the organization’s hierarchy of dialogues. These shall be specifically broken down as follows; To apply for, and make agreements or contracts with countries of the continent on several issues. To apply for, and make agreements or contracts with African regional and inter-governmental organizations with in African including but not limited to the African union. To ensue Commerce with foreign Nations,and among the several Countries, organizations, agencies and other administrations falling in the stake hold docket. To borrow Money on the credit and account of UNION OF STRATEGIC AFRICA.


13) MEMBERSHIP Natural membership This member shall be an individual; Any Individual national in or of a country which is on the African map is eligible as a natural member after completing registration to the country authorities of where his/her nationality lies. A Natural member shall register with the organization either directly online through the official website or app of the organization. this member has full voting rights from all representatives to the president. A natural member shall have to subscribe for annual fees as shall be determined by the house. The member shall register to the international body through form “B” of the organization with all its associated prerequisites. Delegated member This member shall be a national committee with clear objectives to the organization; This member shall have to complete and fulfill all requirements of form “B” of the organization. These members shall range from level 1, 2, 3 4, or 5 by fulfilling requirements of forms “A1, A2,A3, A4, or A5” respectively. Level. 1 members shall be of the local village, level 2 members shall be parish members, level 3 members shall be sub-county members, level 4 members shall be constituency members, and level 5 members shall be district member. A member shall be mandated to aspire and contest for any position vacant at a level where they are defined. The member shall register their membership through form “A1” of the organization with all its associated prerequisites. BRESLIN PATRICK PATRICK.


UNION OF STRATEGIC AFRICA shall have a Patron who shall be chosen by the AGM. The Patron shall be an eminent person in society, able to support UNION OF STRATEGIC AFRICA's cause. The first four officials holding office as in 3.5.3 above shall subscribe to this Constitution for the purpose of registration. Office Bearers - The Organization shall at the Annual General Meeting at the end of every three (3) year term elect, from amongst the International Board Members, its Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer. The above officials shall hold office for three (3) years following which at the next Annual General Meeting they shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election. If the Chairperson, during his term of office, should cease to be a Member of the Organization. resign from office or die, the Vice Chairperson shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when a new Chairperson shall be elected. In the event that the Vice Chairperson is, for whatever reason, unable to take on this role, the Directors shall elect one of their Members to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. The same procedure shall apply to the Treasurer. The Chairperson shall chair all meetings of the Board and all general meetings. He/she shall provide guidance with regard to the affairs of the Organization. The Vice Chairperson shall, in the absence of the Chairperson, perform the duties of the Chairperson, including chairing meetings of the Board and general meetings.

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